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Shaving is a necessity for men, irrespective of whether they go for a clean shaved look, or scruff, or beard. They have to either shave or trim to groom themselves. An after-shave is not only to smoothen the skin and hair after a shave; it's also an antiseptic to prevent infection. In the olden days, […]Read More

With every other state, city and countries going under lockdown, if they’re not already under lockdown, there are times when you can’t buy essentials on time. It could be the lack of access, dwindling stocks or restrictions that make it difficult to pick up or get them delivered. Here’s a quick ‘n easy sanitizer recipe […]Read More

At a time when sanitizer is the need of the hour, we can’t really stock a lot without knowing when or how long we will need it, or if we can or not buy from outside. A simpler solution is to prepare your own sanitizer and use it – better, cost-effective and works well. There […]Read More

Petroleum Jelly as the name suggests is a derivative of Petroleum. We all know now that it is not good for our health or skin. Unlike before, there’s a lot of awareness about good and bad ingredients, carcinogens and whatnot. Until few years back, petroleum jelly was a household stable and used for almost anything. […]Read More

There are times when traveling resulting in exposure to unclean environment or susceptible conditions, or even just hormonal change or seasonal changes affect us differently. Skin is the first point of impact and an anti-microbial spray is just what you need to counter it head-on. I wanted a spray type option to handle the problem […]Read More

I wanted to prepare a winter body cream that not only nourishes but also warms the skin, and keeps winter blues at bay. What better ingredient to do just that than mustard? The recipe is real simple and easy to prepare. You hardly need 4 ingredients and you’re all set. So, ready everyone? Ingredients Kokum […]Read More

Want to give your skin a good jolt and get a radiant look? Did you know you can get both with coffee? I had some coffee grounds that I did not use effectively, so was wondering how I can use without feeling bad about discarding it without extracting the coffee fully. That’s how I decided […]Read More

Rosewater is a great ingredient to have in every home. Want to know how to prepare this wonderful ingredient, easily and at home? There are different ways to prepare rose water. But the proper Rose Hydrosol method gives you a longer lasting Rose Water. So, let’s get started shall we? We’re going to learn the […]Read More

I have always wanted to prepare a Calamine Lotion but it got pushed back for one reason or the other. So, here it is finally! Calamine Lotion is a go-to fix-it-all for a lot of simple skin issues. Bites, rashes, eczema and what not, this seems to work for almost anything. A lot of readers […]Read More

Wondering why you need beard butter? If you love stubble then this is a must for you! Beard is considered an extension of the man and in some cultures and countries growing beard and moustache are the norm. However, growing out facial hair also means maintenance – this keeps them neat, soft and sexy. While […]Read More