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Every now and then foot odor can become a problem. It could due to the hot summer, or other reasons, but a stinky feet is a definite NO.

Foot odor is quite common though not many of us know how to deal with it. According to a survey, some men don’t even know whether or not they have foot odor. But to get your foot odor out of the window and your feet healthy is easy with a few simple ingredients from your pantry or DIY raw materials.


Cornflour – ½ Cup

Baking Soda – ½ Cup

Zinc Oxide Powder – 3 Tsps.

Kaolin Clay – 3 Tsps.

Peppermint Essential Oil – 25 Drops

Tea Tree Essential Oil – 25 Drops


Add the Cornflour, Zinc Oxide Powder, Kaolin Clay and Baking Soda to a mixing bowl and whisk to combine – you can use a small hand whisk for mixing. Start adding the essential oils little by little and whisk gently as you go.

Alternatively, you can add the ingredients to your blender and pulse the mixture for a few seconds. Now, add the essential oils and pulse again for a few seconds – add in a few drops, pulse and then rinse and repeat.

Once mixed thoroughly transfer the powder to a sterilized air-tight container and store in a dark cool place – wait for 3 days for the essential oils to permeate the powder.

Now, you’re all set to use it.

Transfer the powder to sprinklers for ease of use.

Why This Powder?

This not only deodorizes your feet but also protects your feet from rashes and microbial activity.

Odor is linked to profuse sweating and microbial activity, especially since wearing shoes for longer hours can create a perfect environment for microbes.

This powder can prevent foot odor and bring down moisture levels keeping feet dry and happy.


Can use daily, or as needed.

Shelf Life

Lasts longer, though for freshness and aroma, use within one year from the time of preparing this. You can keep it on your shelves, no need for refrigeration.

How to use the Powder?

Sprinkle on your shoes and socks everyday or once every few days to prevent odor, to keep them dry and to keep out excess moisture. You can also sprinkle this on your dry feet anytime you need.

Tips to Tweak the Recipe

You can also use Arrowroot Powder for this recipe instead of cornstarch.

You can use any essential oil of your choice particularly the ones with anti-microbial properties like Lavender, Thyme, Eucalyptus, Citrus Essential Oils, etc. You can use one or combine essential oils according to your liking and preference.

You can also use talc instead of Arrowroot or Cornstarch as your base. Starch is a more healthier option, according to experts.

You can use the same powder to prevent diaper rash in babies. Don’t use essential oils for babies. If you must use them, go with mild oils like Lavender.

As always, feel free to tweak the recipe and keep us posted with your successful tweaks. If you have any requests, queries or questions, do write to us. Don’t have time for DIY Recipes? Try Aya Naturals for your skin and face care requirements.