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So, we all love bronzer and winters are the time when we need them the most when sun isn’t out to play! Right?

I wanted to try out a different variation of Bronzer, where I use clay instead of other ingredients. I wanted something that doesn’t have cinnamon, so for someone with sensitive skin like me can still enjoy a bronzer.

That’s where the idea of using Clay came to mind. After some brainstorming, I started preparing and came up with a few variations that worked well. Want to know them all?


Moroccan Red Clay
Kaolin Clay
Orange Kaolin Clay
Vitamin E Oil – a few drops (Optional)


In a mixing bowl, sieve the clays of your choice.

Add a few drops of Vitamin E Oil or your favorite essential oil – if using.

Mix mechanically using a spatula to combine and blend thoroughly.

Transfer to a sterilized jar and use as needed.

Ratio for the Clays

Basically, the ratio depends on your skin tone, preference and liking. For a medium skin tone, Moroccan Red Clay alone works just fine.

For a lighter skin tone, adding a bit of Kaolin Clay helps with lightening.

For a darker skin tone, or when you want to get a brighter bronzing, adding a bit of Orange Kaolin Clay helps.

Tips to Tweak the Recipe

Since I did not want to add other ingredients, I kept the ingredients fully clay. However, you can also use Arrowroot Powder, or Cornstarch Powder for lightening, Cocoa Powder for darkening.

The Vitamin E Oil or Essential Oil is optional. I found I like it better hen I add a few drops of oil. I prefer a pressed powder to a fully dry powder for bronzing.

All the clays chosen are per my preference. Feel free to swap them for different clay(s) of your choosing. You can also use Orange Kaolin Clay with or without White Kaolin Clay for Bronzing.

Why These Ingredients?

Like mentioned earlier, I wanted something that will suit sensitive skin and doesn’t trigger acne outbreaks. Hence, clays worked perfectly fine. Kaolin Clays are ideal for sensitive skin.

Moroccan Red Clay is ideal for acne-prone skin, though it is also good for dry, flaky or blemish-ridden skin. It is helpful with hiding marks and blemishes.

All facial clays have healing and beneficial properties and they come in handy here, even though we’re not using it as a mask. Also, the clays are nourishing and keep your skin healthy and problem-free.

What’s not to like about good things? Feel free to play around with the ingredients to suit you better and feed us back with your results on this one.

How to Use The Bronzer?

Just dust it on your face with a bronzer brush to get that sun-kissed look! Wake up your tired face real quick, or use it for contouring your cheeks and nose!

The sides of your forehead and face, chin tip, nose and cheekbones are where you need your bronzer. Remember – Little goes a long way, so apply just enough.

Don’t have time for DIY Recipes? Try Gaya Mineral Cosmetics for your beauty requirements.