DIY Moisturizing Body Oil

Body oil is a handy aid for combatting dryness, forming a protective layer on the skin or for moisturization.

Depending on the composition of the body oil and the ingredients used, the benefits or purposes can be different or broad. I wanted body oil that’s nourishing and moisturizing.

I also wanted to keep the recipe simple and easy, so I don’t have to go through hoops to get it done. So, want to know how it’s done?


Avocado Oil – 1 Cup
Grapeseed Oil – ¼ Cup
Jojoba Oil – 1 Cup
Lavender Essential Oil – 25 Drops
Rose Essential Oil – 7 Drops


In a dark glass bottle, add all the ingredients listed above.

Shake gently and set aside.

Wait for two days before using this oil.

Why These Ingredients?

Avocado is ideal for ageing, dry or sensitive skin. It is extremely moisturizing, nourishing and nurturing. It is also anti-ageing, but we’re looking more at the moisturizing benefits for this recipe.

Grapeseed Oil is another nutrient-rich and anti-oxidant rich ingredient that does a world of good for dry, irritated or sensitive skin. It is a light and healing. It rejuvenates, moisturizes and nourishes the skin all in one go.

Jojoba Oil though wax not oil, resembles skin’s sebum and is readily absorbed into the skin. It is suitable for all skin types, doesn’t clog pores and a great addition to this recipe.

The choice of essential oils here is soothing, calming and healing. However, you can choose other essential oils based on your skin type or preference.

This combination of oils is to nourish and moisturize your skin, while also strengthening and rejuvenating it. What’s not to like about it ?

Tips to Tweak the Recipe

You can use any carrier oil with moisturizing properties depending on your preference, requirement and skin type. Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Safflower Oil, Wheat Germ Oil, Argan, Evening Primrose Oil, etc. are just a few options you can consider.

You could choose the essential oils according your preference, skin type or requirements. Sandalwood Essential Oil, Geranium Essential Oil, Roman Chamomile Essential Oil, Clary Sage Essential Oil, Tea Tree Essential Oil, etc. are few options.

You can also add hydrosols and emulsifying agents to make a lotion if you prefer lotion, to oil.

You can swap the ingredients listed in the recipe for ingredients of your choice, preference, availability in your location and other factors. Tweak the recipe to suit your taste, preference and requirements and feed us back with your results.

Don’t have time for DIY Recipes? Try Aya Naturals for your skin and face needs – natural and traditional recipes that work for your skin. There’s a product for everyone and every requirement with Aya. Try out their products and you wouldn’t need anything else! The recipe is a traditional recipe that’s handed over through generations and the ingredients are all natural and picked with great care – Olive Oil, Jojoba Oil, other herbal extracts or oils combined to form a patented and comprehensive product that works!