DIY Mineral Makeup Base for Sensitive Skin

For all those who are having sensitive skin and wanted a makeup base you can use, you have it now!

With sensitive skin, it is really difficult to wear makeup or even use skincare products. A lot of things can trigger a reaction or irritate the skin. So it is important to choose ingredients wisely.

When buying products off the counter, though many products say they’re hypoallergenic, they are not. With sensitive skin, there are times when ingredients that aren’t listed in the ingredients list and they can cause havoc on your skin.

I always wanted to prepare my own skin care and beauty products whenever I could, so my skin is happy. My skin is sensitive and I can’t tolerate harsh stuff on my skin and even products that claim to be for sensitive skin apparently aren’t!

That’s how I decided I wanted a makeup base I can use when I prepare my makeup products. While mineral makeup is good for sensitive skin and acne-prone skin, I wanted a version that’s soothing and mild. For those who requested it, here’s my recipe ☺.


Sericite – ½ Tsp.
Titanium Dioxide – ¼ Tsp.
Zinc Oxide – ¼ Tsp.
Allantoin – a pinch
Arrowroot Powder – a pinch
Zinc Stearate – a teensy tiny pinch
Calcium Carbonate – a teensy tiny pinch


Add all the ingredients in the above list to a mixing bowl.

Blend mechanically to combine – it takes a couple of minutes or more to fully blend the ingredients.

If you have a small hand blender you can use it – not the one you use in kitchen, you get smaller versions of the hand blender that can be used for mixing cosmetics. If you find them, grab them right away – especially if you prepare your makeup products often! You can also use a spice grinder.

Transfer to a sterilized jar and use as needed.

Why These Ingredients?

With sensitive skin, you need soothing ingredients that cannot only prevent irritation and inflammation but also heals the skin. The allantoin, zinc oxide and Arrowroot powder do just that. It promotes skin healing and repair and also soothes skin so it isn’t very sensitive. If you are healing from some sort injury or abrasion, this powder is ideal too.

Tips to Tweak the Recipe

I like Oatmeal over Arrowroot Powder – it is more soothing, but shelf life is comparatively lesser. However, I use that and not arrowroot powder and prepare smaller batches.

You can also use Rice Powder (not Rice Flour) for this recipe instead of Arrowroot Powder.

Cornstarch works too, but I like the texture of Arrowroot Powder and the fact that is gentler than Cornstarch or even Rice Powder.

You can add a few drops of Lavender Essential Oil or Chamomile Essential Oil – they’re both soothing.

Like every other recipe, feel free to tweak it or play around with the ingredients a bit and see what you come up with 😉 Keep us posted with your successful tweaks and results. Have doubts or queries? Write back to us. Your comment and questions are welcome and your messages are always motivating. Don’t have time for DIY Recipes? Try Gaya Cosmetics for your beauty requirements – organic, hypoallergenic and affordable mineral makeup.