DIY Sesame Sunscreen

It has been a while since we tried sunscreen. Since summer is setting in, what better time than now, to try another sunscreen?

We all know sun protection is important if you head out during scorching hours of the day like noon. While minimal exposure is not a problem and the body needs sun exposure, early morning or evening sun is good for your skin and health. During the day, however, the heat is scorching and can leave you with suntan or even sunburns.

So, protecting your skin is of paramount importance. Want to prepare your very own sunscreen for this summer? I have used Sesame Oil in this recipe, but we’ll get to the whys later. Now, we’re going to look at the ingredients first and then the preparation, as I don’t want to frustrate you by continuing with other details first! I know you’re impatient by now to get to the recipe ☺


Moisturizer – 4 Tbsp.
Shea Butter – ½ Tbsp.
Sesame Oil – 1 Tbsp.
Coconut Oil – 1 Tsp.
Aloe Vera Gel – 3 Tsp.
Roman Chamomile Essential Oil – 7 Drops
Beeswax – ½ Tsp.
Zinc Oxide – 1 Tbsp.


Add all the ingredients (except Essential Oil) to a mixing bowl.

Place it on top of a larger pan filled with an inch of water and heat it.

Make sure the flame is low – medium.

When the ingredients begin to melt, stir with a spatula to combine.

Remove from heat once melted.

Transfer to a sterilized container and add the essential oil after the mixture cools down.


Tips to Tweak the Recipe

You can whip the recipe if you want a softer cream.

I reduce the beeswax to get a more lotion like consistency.

I also add a few drops of Frankincense, though you can use any essential oil you like. Just make sure you don’t choose citrus as they make your skin sensitive to sun.

You can use Cocoa Butter instead of Shea Butter, I prefer Shea because it is softer and suitable for all skin types.

You can switch the ingredients listed here for ingredients you have available, or get easily, or prefer better – just make sure they also help with sun protection.

Like every other recipe out here, feel free to tweak it to suit your needs, requirements or preferences better. Make DIY fun and interesting, needless to say exciting, but doing these tweaks and trying out new stuff.

How to Use the Sunscreen?

Take a small dollop and apply on your face, hands and feet. Massage for a few minutes and wait for about fifteen minutes at least, before you step out.

How to Remove the Sunscreen?

Since it has oils, wax, butter and what not, use a makeup remover or oil to remove the sunscreen. Once you remove it, rinse off with tepid or lukewarm water and you are all set for hitting the bed!

Don’t have time for DIY Recipes? Try Aya Naturals for your skin and face care requirements. You have a need – they have a natural product that’s a solution for it! There’s a product for everyone out there. Give it a shot and let us know how you like it.