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A relaxing bath is one thing that never fails to help us. Adding a little something to the bath is always a plus, a reason why bath products are always on the up and up. I was wondering if prepping up a few bath recipes might make it more interesting. I decided to use this downtime to prepare few things at home that can help with the pampering I have planned.

I wanted to twist the regular bath recipes to something that’s nice to look at and that’s how I settle for Bath Scoops. With kids running around and having to stay on top of my game at all times, bath time is my me time and I enjoy to the fullest. If can make it colorful and enticing, all the more better. Right? Let’s find out how to do bath scoops.


Citric Acid – 100 Grams

Baking Soda – 350 Grams

Cream of Tartar – 50 Grams

Sodium Laureth Sulphate – 185 Grams

Shea Butter – 85 Grams

Glycerin – 22 Ml

Cocoa Butter – 64 Grams

Polysorbate 80 – 7 Grams

Mica Pigments

Essential / Fragrance Oil(s)


Sieve together the baking soda, cream of tartar and citric acid powders to remove any lumps.

Add Sodium laureth Sulphate to this mixture.

Now, melt together Shea Butter and Cocoa Butter.

Add in polysorbate, glycerin and the fragrance oil (if you are using it instead of essential oil). If you’re using essential oil wait for a bit before adding, or adding while mixing to the dry mixture.

Now, slowly incorporate the wet and dry mixture in a mixing bowl. You might need a blender initially and then you could use gloved hands to mix it thoroughly.

Once mixed, divide it into smaller parts – 2 or more per your preference and add the mica color pigments into each part. I do not use mica pigments usually, but this is not one of those times. I chose a mild cream and colorful violet, blue, pink and green pigments for my nephews and nieces. When you’re using more than one color, you could also scoop out both to give a nice look.

Mix with gloved hands to incorporate the ingredients.

Now, use an ice cream scoop to scoop out the mixtures and let it dry.


Sorry to be the Debbie downer here, but it is important that you do not eat it! Yes, it looks tempting like a scoop of ice cream, but it isn’t: P

You don’t have to necessarily scoop out if you don’t want to. I like the way it looks like. You could always make them into any shapes that you like, using molds or using decorating tools etc.

How to Use These Bath Scoops?

Just add one or two, or more depending on the scoop size you go for to your bath. Soak in!

As always, feel free to tweak the recipe to suit your needs and preferences. Let us know how you like our recipes, your successful tweaks, requests, etc. Feel free to write to us if you have any questions or queries. Sorry for the unannounced hiatus, but what better time to start again than now when we’re all needing something else to focus on and relax? Stay tuned for more recipes and we promise to keep you supplied with as many as you need, these coming days. For those who love mineral makeup, take a look at the range of cosmetics and beauty products from Gaya Cosmetics.