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Want to prepare a unique Foundation Powder for yourself? Have you tried it with Sassafras Bark?

Sassafras Bark has been used as a medicine for a while now. But what does it have to offer for our skin? Do you know it’s a good analgesic and can soothe aches and pains?

It’s also has anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties. Not only does it brings down pain, it also promotes accelerated healing. Basically, it is a stimulating ingredients and rushes oxygen-rich fresh blood to the wound area and naturally promotes faster healing. The soothing and healing properties are considered to be ideal for those with sensitive or acne-prone skin.

So, how do we get the foundation ready? Let’s see that first and then move to the whys.


Arrowroot Powder – 1 Tbsp.

Sassafras Bark – as needed


The starch powder is your base. Take it in a mixing bowl.

Add the tinting agent (Sassafras Bark, in this case) to the bowl and mix.

Depending on your skin tone and your preferences, you may need anywhere from ½ the quantity of your base, to equal quantities or more.

Transfer to a sterilized container.

Why These Ingredients

I love Arrowroot powder in my beauty and skin care recipes where I need a starch powder. Unlike Cornstarch, Arrowroot Starch is fairly easier on your skin and ideal if you have oily or acne-prone and easily irritated skin. It has a soft and glides easily when applied to your skin and doesn’t trigger acne outbreaks like corn can.

Sassafras Bark has a unique shade that makes it ideal for those with dark spots. The orangish hue it exudes hides imperfections better than some ingredients can. Also, its anti-inflammatory and healing properties are ideal for those with acne-prone and or sensitive skin.

Tips to Tweak the Recipe

You can add other ingredients depending on the shade you’re going for – cocoa powder, nutmeg powder (sheen), cinnamon bark powder, etc.

You can use Cornstarch, Tapioca Starch or even Oatmeal as your substitutes. If you get Rice Powder (it’s finer than Rice Flour) you can use that too.

If you want to make it into a compact instead of a dusting powder, add a few drops of Vitamin E Oil and stuff the Foundation after mixing well to the compact jar. Let it dry and you’re set.

How to Use the Recipe?

You can use this as your foundation powder – dry or wet.

Add a dash of Mica and use it as your eye shadows.

Make it a shade darker and use it as your highlighter.

Shelf Life

Since we’re using starch, going with the shelf life of starch or the bark (whichever expires first works better).

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