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Want and simple and easy moisturizer that works for your skin? Want you skin nourished, hydrated and moisturized?

Some ingredients are better than others. There are times when just oil wasn’t enough to nourish and moisturize my skin. I also wanted some TLC to keep my skin smooth and soft – wear and tear, harsh weather and whatnot, skin can look and feel rough at times.

What better ingredient than Aloe Vera to soothe and heal skin right? At times when oil is not enough, dash of Aloe Vera or other hydrating hydrosols can work wonders as a moisturizer. I particularly noticed this requirement during winters more than summers – probably why cold cream was invented 😉

I decided to keep the recipe simple and straightforward. So, let’s get started.


Aloe Vera Gel – ½ Cup
Almond Oil – ¼ Cup
Jojoba Oil – ¼ Cup
Vitamin E Oil – a few drops


In a bowl add all the ingredients listed above and whisk to combine.

Once combined, transfer to a sterilized jar and use as needed.

Why These Ingredients?

Aloe Vera is a rejuvenating, healing and hydrating ingredient. It is known for its ability to curb ageing skin signs and keeping skin younger looking by repairing and rejuvenating at a cellular level. It soothes skin and curbs UV damage.

Aloe Vera is suitable for all skin types and offers numerous benefits making it an ingredient that should be a part of your skin care routine.

Almond Oil is rich in Vitamin E and a gentle and nourishing oil that makes it ideal for all skin types, but the rejuvenating and soothing properties make it an ideal ingredient here. Soothing and mild, there’s a reason this is a top choice for use around eyes! It soothes and repairs dry or chapped skin. If you want to delay ageing skin signs, if you want to soothe, nourish and moisturize your skin gently, or if you want a non-greasy solution for moisturizing, Almond Oil is your best bet.

Jojoba Oil is said to resemble our skin’s sebum closely and hence readily absorbed by our skin and suitable for all skin types, including oily or acne-prone skin.

Vitamin E Oil is one of the best ingredients for skin, a reason it is called Skin nutrient often. It keeps ageing skin signs at bay, skin soft and supple and is also an ingredient that extends shelf life of products.

All these ingredients combined, moisturize and nourish your skin, rejuvenate and soothe your skin, keep ageing skin signs at bay and whatnot!

Shelf Life

This is a very easy recipe, so I prepare smaller batches every few days. If you use store-bought natural Aloe, it usually contains Citric acid and lasts months without any issues. If you use fresh Aloe, it will last you a few days refrigerated.

How to Use the Moisturizer?

You can apply this anytime your skin needs moisture, though I recommend using it once in the morning and once at night everyday. I like it best when I apply this moisturizer right after shower – the skin gobbles up this moisturizer real quick then.

You can modify this recipe like every other recipe here and also, if you prefer a creamier consistency, try adding Shea Butter. Coconut Oil tends to solidify and is ideal in this recipe if you like creamy texture. Don’t have time for DIY Recipe? Try Aya Naturals for your skin and face care requirements.